Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
11	STR	1	11-	Lift 114.9 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
15	DEX	15	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
13	CON	6	12-
15	BODY	10	12-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 12-
13	EGO	6	12-	ECV:  4
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
12	COM	1	11-

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
5	ED	2		Total:  5 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	5		Phases:  4, 8, 12
7	REC	4
26	END	0
28	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  62

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
		Leaping:	2"/4"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
	Martial Arts:  HTH Techniques
	Maneuver		OCV	DCV	Damage
4	Martial Block		+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Martial Disarm		-1	+1	Disarm; 21 STR to Disarm
4	Martial Dodge		--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Martial Escape		+0	+0	26 STR vs. Grabs
3	Martial Grab		-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 21 STR for holding on
4	Martial Strike		+0	+2	4d6 Strike
3	Martial Throw		+0	+1	2d6 +v/5, Target Falls
4	Nerve Strike		-1	+1	2d6 NND
5	Offensive Strike	-2	+1	6d6 Strike
3	Takedown		+1	+1	2d6 Strike; Target Falls
2	Weapon Element:  Blades, Clubs

15	Luck 3d6

9	Fringe Benefit:  International Driver's License, Passport, Security Clearance, Top Man
10	Money:  Wealthy
3	Well-Connected
1	1)  Fidel Castro:  Favor
1	2)  German Chancellor:  Favor
1	3)  UN Secretary General:  Favor
3	4)  Contact:  President of Cerberus Oil (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has 
	useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact)  11-
8	5)  Contact:  St. Julian Perlmutter (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant 
	Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 14-
	Notes:  expert on ships and shipwrecks
10	6)  Contact:  UN Secretary General (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely 
	useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact limited by identity, 
	Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-
9	7)  Contact:  US Senator George Pitt (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant 
	Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, 
	Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

3	Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)
5	Eidetic Memory
5	Resistance (5 points)

3	Acting 12-
3	Bribery 12-
7	Bureaucratics 14-
7	Climbing 14-
7	Combat Driving 14-
7	Combat Piloting 14-
3	Conversation 12-
3	Cryptography 12-
5	High Society 13-
0	Language:  English (idiomatic)
1	Language:  Arabic (basic conversation)
1	Language:  Spanish (basic conversation)
9	Mechanics 15-
8	Navigation (Air, Land, Marine) 14-
5	Parachuting 13-
3	Streetwise 12-
14	Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Marine, Tropical, Desert, Underground) 14-
11	Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Environmental Systems, Radar, Sensor Jamming Equipment, 
	Sonar) 14-
21	T.F.:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, 
	Equines, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Jetskis, Large Motorized Boats, Large Planes, Large Wind-Powered 
	Boats, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, SCUBA, Skiing (snow), Skiing (water), Small 
	Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Small Wind-Powered Boats, Submarines, Surfing, Two-Wheeled Motorized 
	Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles
3	WF:  Small Arms, Blades, Clubs
3	Scholar
4	1)  KS: Antique Aircraft 14-
5	2)  KS: Antique Cars 15-
2	3)  KS: Archaeology 12-
4	4)  KS: Auto Racing 14-
4	5)  KS: History 14-
6	6)  KS: Marine Salvage 16-
3	7)  KS: Maritime Law 13-
4	8)  KS: Movie Trivia 14-
3	Scientist
2	1)  SS:  Chemistry 12- 
2	2)  SS:  Marine Biology 12- 
4	3)  SS:  Marine Engineering 14- 
2	4)  SS:  Mathematics 12- 
2	5)  SS:  Oceanography 12- 
294	Total Powers & Skills Cost
356	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
5	Age:  40+
20	Hunted:  Various terrorist groups 8- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise 
	very easy to find, Harshly Punish)
20	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  Sense of Duty to Friends and co workers (Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Code against Killing (Common, Moderate)
15	Reputation:  Special Projects Director for NUMA, 11- (Extreme)
10	Social Limitation:  Public ID (Frequently, Minor)
61	Experience
356	Total Disadvantage Points

(Dirk Pitt created by Clive Cussler, character sheet created by Robert Kevin Walsh)

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