(Tjarda Raichman)

Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage, [3]
24	DEX	54	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
10	CON	0	11-
10	BODY	0	11-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
8	EGO	-4	11-	ECV:  3
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6
20	COM	5	13-

5	PD	2		Total:  5 PD (0 rPD)
3	ED	1		Total:  3 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	6		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
5	REC	0
20	END	0
23	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  67

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
		Flight:		27"/54"
		Leaping:	3"/6"
		Swimming:	13"/26"

Cost	Powers
10	Hooves:  HA +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
36	Wings:  Flight 27"; Restrainable (-1/2), END 5
-12	No Legs:  Running -6"
11	Fish's Tail:  Swimming +11" (13" total), END 1
5	Can See In The Dark:  Nightvision
5	Amphibious:  LS  (Expanded Breathing (can breathe water))
25	Ridiculously Lucky:  Luck 5d6

1	Language:  English (basic conversation)
0	Language:  Balinese (idiomatic)
3	Persuasion 11-
6	Survival (Marine) 13-

Total Powers & Skills Cost:  90
Total Cost:  157

75+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima (No Age Restriction)
5	Dependence:  must immerse self in water once an hour or tail will dry out and Kretek  Takes 1d6 
	Damage (Very Common, 1 Hour)
10	Money:  Destitute
25	Physical Limitation:  No Hands (All the Time, Fully Impairing)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Addicted To Clove Cigarettes (A Kretek) (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Has No Tact, Says Whatever He Thinks (Common, Strong)
15	Social Limitation:  Joker (Very Frequently, Minor)

Total Disadvantage Points:  157

Country: Indonesia

Description: Kretek is a Balinese winged hippocampus. His front half is that of a small pony, with glossy black fur, hooves and red eyes. His back half is that of a great fish, with black scales. His chest and belly are orange and gold, while his wings are pink, green, gold, black, and red. He lives in Bali, where he gives rides to tourists and smokes cloves cigarettes. He is usually found in the company of Wayang, who buys him candy and cigarettes, and handles his money.

(Kretek created by Kevin Andrew Murphy, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

Kretek's Hero Designer File.

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