Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
9	STR	-1	11-	Lift 87.1 kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH Damage [2]
10	DEX	0	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
10	CON	0	11-
10	BODY	0	11-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
11	EGO	2	11-	ECV:  4
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6
6	COM	-2	10-

2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
2	SPD	0		Phases:  6, 12
4	REC	0
20	END	0
20	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  -1

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
		Leaping:	1"/2"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
22	Telepathy 6d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced 
	Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Activation Roll 11- (-1), Receive Only (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental 
	Awareness (-1/4)

12	Contact:  Shadowfist Society (Contact has very useful Skills or resources), Organization 
	Contact (x3) 11-

8	+4 with Telepathy
2	CK: Jokertown 11-
5	CK: New York City 14-
3	Contortionist 11-
1	KS: Shadow Fist Society 8-
0	Language:  English (idiomatic; literate)
5	Streetwise 12-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  58
Total Cost:  57

25+	Disadvantages
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
10	Psychological Limitation:  Loyal To The Shadow Fists (Common, 	Moderate)
15	Social Limitation:  Joker (Very Frequently, Minor)
7	Experience Points
57	Total Disadvantage Points

Description: Linetap is a short, reptilian joker with orange scales. A member of the Shadow Fists, he’s used as a lookout and in areas where he can eavesdrop on others conversations.

Campaign Use and Designer’s Notes: As with Chickenhawk, I figure you could use him as a Morlock-ish mutant or some such. I know next to nothing about him otherwise.

Linetap's Hero Designer File

(Linetap created by ???, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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