Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
30	STR	20	16-	Lift 1600kg; 6d6 HTH Damage
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
23	CON	26	14-
16	BODY	12	12-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 13-
11	EGO	2	11-	ECV:  2
25	PRE	15	14-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
10	COM	0	11-

6	PD	0		Total:  8 PD (2 rPD)
6	ED	1		Total:  8 ED (2 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
8	REC	0
50	END	2
50	STUN	0
Total Characteristics Cost:  112

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
		Gliding:	12"/24"
		Flight:		20"/40"
		Swimming:	0"

Cost	Powers & Skills
30	Enormous Beak:  HKA:  2d6 (2 x 2d6 with STR), AE 1Hex (+1/4) Reduced Penetration (-1/4)
36	Enormous Talons:  HKA 3d6 (2 x 3d6 with STR), Reduced Penetration (-1/4)
6	Tough Feathers:  Armor:  +2 DEF
12	Enormous Size:  Knockback Resistance -3"
33	Wings:  Multipower, 50 point reserve, all Restrainable (-1/2)
3	1) u Flight 20", Reduced END (1/2 END, +1/4); Restrainable (-1/2)
1	2) u Riding The Thermals:  Gliding 12", Restrainable (-1/2)
30	Stooping:  Flight +30 "; Reduced END (0 END, +1/2); Restrainable (-1/2), Only to Dive (-1)
-2	 Doesn't Swim:  Swimming -2"
10	Hawk Eyes:  Enhanced Perception:  +5 with Sight PER 15-
16	Hawk Eyes:  Telescopic Sight, +16 VS Range with Normal Sight
9	Reach:  Stretching 2"

4	Combative:  +2 OCV with Talons

3	Stealth 13-
9	Tracking 14-
202	Total Powers & Skills Cost
314	Total Character Cost

75+	Disadvantages
15	Physical Limitation:  Animal Intelligence (Freq, Great Impairment)
10	Physical Limitation:  ( -4 DCV, +4 To PER Rolls) (Freq, Slight Impairment)
15	Physical Limitation:  Very Limited Manipulation (Freq, Slight Impairment)
20	Hunted By Man,(AP, NCI, 11-)
5	Psychological Limitation:  Won't Fly Over Large Bodies Of Water Or Out Of Sight Of The Coastline
10	Psychological Limitation:  Very Aggressive When Hungry
164	Experience
314	Total Disadvantage Points

Appearance: The Tarn is giant crested Hawk and a probable sub-species of the Roc. It stands 10 or more feet tall with a wingspan 30 or more feet. Their feathers are shades of brown, gray or black. Tarns are particularly intimidating when hungry.

Ecology: Tarns prefer to hunt mountain foothills and plains. They make their nests at the top of peaks or in the tops of very large, tall trees. Tarns hunt by day or on moonlit nights. They are fierce hunters and typically eat antelope and deer, but may prey on anything 1/2 their size or less.

Motivations: Typical animal motivations. Tarns are very intelligent for a bird, and can be trained to carry a rider and to tow freight. Tarnriders wisely keep these birds well-fed for they have on ocassion eaten their handlers. A tarn can easily snap a man in two with their huge curved beaks or pull his appendages off with their powerful claws.

Combat Techniques: Similar to smaller birds of prey, such as the Eagle, Hawk or Falcon. Trained tarn will have Combat maneuvars to aid their Tarnrider, who is typically armed with a bow or javelins.

Other Names: Tarn Roc

Rumors: Exceptional Tarn may be trained to respond to voice commands, allowing it's rider freedom from the reins during combat.

Designer's Notes: The Tarn are a creation of John Norman.

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