Name: |
Inara Serra |
Alternate IDs: |
Player: |
Morena Baccarin |
Val |
Char |
Roll |
Notes |
8 |
11- |
HTH Damage 1 1/2d6 END [2] |
16 |
12- |
OCV 5 DCV 5 |
14 |
12- |
10 |
11- |
18 |
13- |
PER Roll 13- |
15 |
12- |
ECV: 5 |
20 |
13- |
PRE Attack: 4d6 |
23 |
14- |
3 |
PD |
3 |
ED |
4 |
6 |
Run: 8" |
28 |
Swim: 2" |
21 |
Leap: 1 1/2" |
Disadvantages |
Pts |
Companion |
1) Companion Bonus |
5 |
2) Distinctive Features: Stunningly Beautiful (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Virtually Everyone) |
10 |
3) Hunted: Jealous Former Clients 8- (As Pow, Capture) |
10 |
4) Reputation: Whore, 8- |
5 |
5) Social Limitation: Companion (Occasionally, Major) |
10 |
Heart of Gold |
1) Psychological Limitation: Haughty and Aloof (Common, Moderate) |
10 |
2) Psychological Limitation: Protective of the Weak (Very Common, Strong) |
20 |
3) Rivalry: Romantic (Captain Malcom Reynolds; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry) |
10 |
Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Frequently, Severe) |
20 |
Base : |
100 |
Disads : |
+100 |
XP Spent : |
+0 |
Total = |
200 |
80 |
: Characteristics Cost |
0 |
+ Powers Cost |
120 |
+ Martial Arts/Skills/Perks/Talents Cost |
200 |
= Total Cost |
Campaign Use: Inara is the Serenity's ambassador, lending her position of respect to the crew of the Serenity. |
Personality/Motivation: Inara can be very haughty and aloof, particularly when others call her a whore, but she had a heart of gold, and soft-spot for who life steps on. |

Pts. |
Power/Skill/Perk/Talent |
Martial Arts |
Cinematic Fighting |
5 |
1) Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort |
4 |
2) Dodge: 1/2 Phase,—OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort |
4 |
3) Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 23 STR vs. Grabs |
4 |
4) Shove: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 23 STR to Shove |
Skills |
Companion Training |
10 |
1) +2 with PRE Skills |
3 |
2) Acting 13- |
3 |
3) Analyze: PRE Skills 13- |
3 |
4) Bureaucratics 13- |
3 |
5) Conversation 13- |
3 |
6) High Society 13- |
3 |
7) KS: Art (INT-based) 13- |
3 |
8) KS: Companion Ceremonies (INT-based) 13- |
3 |
9) KS: Erotic Techniques (INT-based) 13- |
3 |
10) KS: History (INT-based) 13- |
3 |
11) KS: Philosophy (INT-based) 13- |
4 |
12) PS: Companion (PRE-based) 14- |
3 |
13) Persuasion 13- |
4 |
14) SS: Psychology (INT-based) 14- |
7 |
15) Seduction 15- |
Lady Of Intrigue |
3 |
1) Concealment 13- |
3 |
2) Deduction 13- |
3 |
3) Disguise 13- |
3 |
4) Lipreading 13- |
1 |
5) Security Systems 8- |
3 |
6) Shadowing 13- |
3 |
7) Stealth 12- |
Personal Defense Training |
3 |
1) +1 with Block, Dodge, Dive for Cover |
3 |
2) Defense Maneuver I |
2 |
3) WF: Blades, Handguns |
Coreworlder |
0 |
1) AK: Inner Rim 8- |
0 |
2) Computer Programming 8- |
0 |
3) Native Language: Sino-English (idiomatic; literate) |
0 |
4) Paramedics 8- |
0 |
5) Systems Operation 8- |
0 |
6) TF: Personal-Use Spacecraft |
Perks |
8 |
Contact Pool (16 Points) |
3 |
Fringe Benefit: Companion License |
5 |
Money: Well Off |
2 |
Reputation: Highly Skilled Companion (Elites) 8-, +2/+2d6 |
Base OCV: |
5 |
Base DCV: |
5 |
Base ECV: |
5 |
Adjustment + |
Adjustment + |
Adjustment + |
Final OCV: |
Final DCV: |
Final ECV: |
Levels: +1 with Block, Dodge, Dive for Cover |
DEX: 16 |
SPD: 4 |
ECV: 5 |
Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 |
3 PD (0 rPD) |
3 ED (0 rED) |
MD: 0 |
END: 28 |
STUN: 21 |
BODY: 10 |

Height: 1.67 m |
Hair: Black |
Weight: 49.00 kg |
Eyes: Brown |
Appearance: |
Quote:"A man's just a boy who's old enough to ask that question. Our time together, it's a ritual, a symbol. It means something to your father. I hope it was not entirely forgettable for you..." |
Background: Inara is a highly regarded registered Companion (read: courtesan), and the most respectable person aboard Serenity. No one seems to know what such a high-priced working girl is doing on the very low class Serenity, least of all Malcolm Reynolds. She?s elegant, educated, and beautiful. She maintains her own space - a shuttle on the ship - and only has the high class and decent clientele. Prostitution (or at least licensed prostitution) is legal on almost all planets thanks to the influence of The Guild. A Companion is essentially of the highest social standing—certainly higher than a ship full of petty crooks.
She does not count the crew among her clients.
Inara was born, raised, practiced her craft, and was a shoe-in for the rank of High Priestess of the The Guild on her home planet of Sihnon, the jewel of the Core Worlds. Since leaving Sihnon over a year ago, she has adapted quite well to the wild border worlds... she even owns a pistol. |
Powers/Tactics: Inara is an incredibly beautiful woman, and she has been trained extensively in the art of appearing to be an object of desire. Her favorite weapon is her feminine wiles. |