Name: |
Malcom Reynolds |
Alternate IDs: |
Player: |
Nathon Fillon |
Val |
Char |
Roll |
Notes |
15 |
12- |
HTH Damage 3d6 END [3] |
14 |
12- |
OCV 5 DCV 5 |
13 |
12- |
11 |
11- |
13 |
12- |
PER Roll 12- |
11 |
11- |
ECV: 4 |
18 |
13- |
PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6 |
14 |
12- |
5/8 |
PD |
5/8 |
ED |
4 |
7 |
Run: 8" |
26 |
Swim: 2" |
35 |
Leap: 3" |
Disadvantages |
Pts |
Freebooter |
1) Hunted: The Alliance 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Interrogate and Question) |
20 |
2) Social Limitation: Petty Criminal (Occasionally, Major) |
10 |
Heart of Gold |
1) Psychological Limitation: Do The Right Thing (Common, Moderate) |
10 |
2) Psychological Limitation: Never Abandons Crew (Common, Total) |
20 |
Independence War Veteran |
1) Enraged: Insulting Alliance Supporters (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 11- |
10 |
2) Psychological Limitation: Haunted by War Memories (Uncommon, Moderate) |
5 |
3) Social Limitation: Fought On The Wrong Side (Occasionally, Major) |
10 |
Outworlder |
1) Psychological Limitation: Disdains Sophistication/Innerworlders (Common, Moderate) |
10 |
2) Social Limitation: Unsophisticated (Occasionally, Minor) |
5 |
Base : |
100 |
Disads : |
+100 |
XP Spent : |
+0 |
Total = |
200 |
75 |
: Characteristics Cost |
0 |
+ Powers Cost |
125 |
+ Martial Arts/Skills/Perks/Talents Cost |
200 |
= Total Cost |
Campaign Use: Malcom is the captain of the Firefly Class Transport Serenity. |
Personality/Motivation: Malcom Reynolds used to believe in a lot of things. God, justice, deceny, human goodness. Not anymore. He's a cold man now, doing what he needs to survive - or at least, that's what he pretends. He has surrounded himself with people who express and live the very things he wnats to deny existence too, and he is religious in his devotion to their safety and well-being.
Malcom is not a cruel man, or an evil man, but he is also not a paragon of virtue. He can be cowardly and weak-willed, and he values his own safety above moral codes - he's willing to kill an unarmed man if he thinks it's in his interest. But he generally does the right thing, and he can't stand to see power abused and the weak mistreated. He thinks his sympathy and mercy is his own downfall, not realizing it is his saving grace. |

Pts. |
Power/Skill/Perk/Talent |
Martial Arts |
Cinematic Fighting - Regular |
4 |
1) Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2 1/2d6 NND |
4 |
2) Cross Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike |
4 |
3) Forearm Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort |
5 |
4) Neck Snap: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 1 1/2d6 , Disable |
5 |
5) Uppercut: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 Strike |
4 |
6) +1 HTH Damage Class(es) |
Gunfighter |
3 |
1) Defensive Shot: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +2 DCV, Range +0, Strike |
5 |
2) Distance Shot: 1+1 Phase, +0 OCV, -2 DCV, Range +6, Strike , +1 Segment |
4 |
3) Quick Shot: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +2 DC |
Skills |
Veteran |
1 |
1) PS: Soldier 11- |
3 |
2) +1 with Gunfighter |
8 |
3) +1 with All Combat |
3 |
4) Acrobatics 12- |
3 |
5) Breakfall 12- |
3 |
6) Combat Driving 12- |
3 |
7) Paramedics 12- |
5 |
8) Rapid Attack (Ranged) |
0 |
9) TF: Tracked Military Vehicles |
3 |
10) Tactics 12- |
5 |
11) WF: Emplaced Weapons, Small Arms, Blades |
Deep Space Smuggler |
1 |
1) PS: Smuggler 11- |
3 |
2) Concealment 12- |
2 |
3) KS: Smuggling 11- |
3 |
4) Persuasion 13- |
3 |
5) Streetwise 13- |
3 |
6) Trading 13- |
Experienced Spacer |
0 |
1) PS: Spacer 11- |
3 |
2) Enviornmental Movement: Zero Gravity |
2 |
3) Navigation (Space) 12- |
0 |
4) TF: EVAC Suit, Personal Use Spacecraft |
Former Outworld Colonist |
1 |
1) PS: Colony Farmer 8- |
1 |
2) KS: Hydroponic Farming 8- |
3 |
3) Mechanics 12- |
3 |
4) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Agricultural & Construction Vehicles |
Natural Leader |
2 |
1) +1 with Pre Roll |
3 |
2) Oratory 13- |
5 |
3) Luck 1d6 |
Other Skills |
0 |
1) AK: Outworlds 11- |
0 |
2) AK: The 'verse 8- |
0 |
3) Acting 8- |
0 |
4) Climbing 8- |
0 |
5) Conversation 8- |
0 |
6) Deduction 8- |
3 |
7) Jack Of All Trades |
0 |
8) Language: Sino-English (idiomatic; literate) |
0 |
9) Shadowing 8- |
0 |
10) Stealth 8- |
Perks |
1 |
False Identity |
1 |
Fringe Benefit: Starship License |
3 |
Well-Connected |
1 |
1) Contact: Fence 11- |
1 |
2) Contact: Fence 11- |
1 |
3) Contact: Fixer 11- |
1 |
4) Contact: Fixer 11- |
Base OCV: |
5 |
Base DCV: |
5 |
Base ECV: |
4 |
Adjustment + |
Adjustment + |
Adjustment + |
Final OCV: |
Final DCV: |
Final ECV: |
Levels: +1 with Gunfighter,+1 with All Combat,+1 OCV |
DEX: 14 |
SPD: 4 |
ECV: 4 |
Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 |
5/8 PD (0/3 rPD) |
5/8 ED (0/3 rED) |
MD: 0 |
END: 26 |
STUN: 35 |
BODY: 11 |

Height: 1.86 m |
Hair: Brown |
Weight: 76.00 kg |
Eyes: Brown |
Appearance: Malcom is a tall, broad chested man with short brown hair, blue eyes, and typically heroic good looks. |
Quote:"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so...very...pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die." |
Background: Malcom was born and raised in one of the many small farming communities that dot the moon called Serenity. When the war broke out, he joined up and quickly rose to the rank of sergeant, with a 30 man command. When the Alliance attacked in full force, at the now infamous Battle of Serenity (aka the Bloodbath of Serenity), Malcom found himself leading over 2000 men due to massive officer deaths. After the vicious battle, he had 400 men left..another 250 would die before the first Med Evacs arrived, with news of the collapse of the Indepent Resistance, and the final victory of the Alliance.
Malcom was heart broken, and couldn't accept the new order. Along with Zoe, his second in the war, and the only other survivor of hsi original unit, he bought a Firefly Class Transport. He assembled a crew, and now plys the space ways, finding honest work when he can, and turning to smuggling, illegal salvage, smuggling and robbery when he can't. |
Powers/Tactics: Malcom is a natural leader, an ability forged in the fires of the Battle of Serenity, and a very capable hand to hand combatant and gunfighter. |