Name: |
"Wash" Warren |
Alternate IDs: |
Player: |
Alan Tudyk |
Val |
Char |
Roll |
Notes |
10 |
11- |
HTH Damage 2d6 END [2] |
14 |
12- |
OCV 5 DCV 5 |
11 |
11- |
10 |
11- |
15 |
12- |
PER Roll 12- |
14 |
12- |
ECV: 5 |
15 |
12- |
PRE Attack: 3d6 |
14 |
12- |
3 |
PD |
3 |
ED |
4 |
4 |
Run: 7" |
22 |
Swim: 2" |
24 |
Leap: 2" |
Disadvantages |
Pts |
Psychological Limitation: Protective of Wife (Common, Strong) |
15 |
Psychological Limitation: Avoids Fights (Common, Strong) |
15 |
Freebooter Pilot |
1) Hunted: The Alliance 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Interrogate and Question) |
15 |
2) Social Limitation: Petty Criminal (Occasionally, Minor) |
5 |
Base : |
100 |
Disads : |
+50 |
XP Spent : |
+0 |
Total = |
150 |
53 |
: Characteristics Cost |
6 |
+ Powers Cost |
91 |
+ Martial Arts/Skills/Perks/Talents Cost |
150 |
= Total Cost |
Campaign Use: Wash is the pilot of the Serenity. |
Personality/Motivation: Wash likes to relax and have fun. He's deadly serious when he needs to be - never mistake his laid-back attitude and easy going humor for a lack of spine or nerve! Wash may not like to fight, but he's no coward. Few people have the sort of talent with flying machiens Wash does, and no one has the sort of steel nerves he displays when the flying gets rough. |
Pts. |
Power/Skill/Perk/Talent |
Skills |
Experienced Spacer |
0 |
1) PS: Spacer 11- |
3 |
2) Enviornmental Movement: Zero Gravity |
0 |
3) TF: EVAC Suit |
Hotshot Pilot |
6 |
1) PS: Pilot (INT-based) 15- |
4 |
2) +2 with Flight |
7 |
3) Combat Piloting 15- |
7 |
4) Computer Programming 14- |
9 |
5) Navigation (Hyperspace, Space) 15- |
7 |
6) Systems Operation 14- |
2 |
7) TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles |
Other Skills |
0 |
1) AK: Coreworlds 11- |
0 |
2) AK: The 'verse 8- |
0 |
3) Acting 8- |
0 |
4) Climbing 8- |
3 |
5) Conversation 12- |
0 |
6) Deduction 8- |
0 |
7) Language: Sino-English (idiomatic; literate) |
1 |
8) Seduction 8- |
0 |
9) Shadowing 8- |
0 |
10) Stealth 8- |
Perks |
1 |
Fringe Benefit: Starship License |
3 |
Reputation: Hot-Shot Pilot (Freebooters) 11-, +3/+3d6 |
Talents |
24 |
Hotshot Pilot (Star Hero) |
6 |
+4 DEX; Only For Piloting (-1) |
10 |
Luck 2d6 |
Base OCV: |
6 |
Base DCV: |
6 |
Base ECV: |
5 |
Adjustment + |
Adjustment + |
Adjustment + |
Final OCV: |
Final DCV: |
Final ECV: |
DEX: 18 |
SPD: 4 |
ECV: 5 |
Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 |
3 PD (0 rPD) |
3 ED (0 rED) |
MD: 0 |
END: 22 |
STUN: 24 |
BODY: 10 |

Height: 1.77 m |
Hair: Blonde |
Weight: 82.00 kg |
Eyes: Blue |
Appearance: |
Quote:"Oh my god. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing!...Oh right, that would be me. Back to work." |
Background: Raised on a world so polluted he couldn't see the stars, Wash entered pilot's training to get a look at them. But he got more than a job when he applied to be Serenity's pilot. He found a wife in the ship's first mate Zoe. A laid-back guy with an active sense of humor, Wash just wants a ship to fly and his wife alive and at his side.
And if he's backed into a corner, he'll do what he must to accomplish those goals. |
Powers/Tactics: Wash is, okay no that's not quite right. Wash is a comedian, not a fighter. He can throw a punch, if he has to, but he'd rather avoid a fight if he can. He's not ashamed to run and hide behind Zoe. That said, when backed into a corner, he'll fight. Just not very well. |