Val	Char	Cost	Notes
12	Size	60	Length 16", Width 8", Area 128", Mass 409.6 ton, KB -12
70	STR	0	HTH Damage 14d6  END [7]
13	DEX	9	OCV 4 DCV -4
22	BODY	0	
4	DEF	6	
5	SPD	27	Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Total Characteristic Cost:  100

Movement:	Ground:  6"/12"
		Flight:  54"/864"

Abilities & Equipment
4	1)  Titanium Alloy:  +1 BODY plus +1 DEF
	Flight Systems
23	1)  Flight 54", x16 Noncombat; OIF Bulky (-1), Takeoff/Landing (-1), Fuel Dependent (fuel is Very 
	Common; must refuel Once per 6 Hours; -¾), Limited Maneuverability Only 1 turn per Turn at Combat 
	speed; only 1 turn per Minute at Noncombat speed (-¾), Stall Velocity ½ Vehicle's Maximum Combat 
	Velocity (-¼), Crew-Served (2 people; -¼), Difficult to Operate (-¼)
4	1)  Basic Aircraft Radios:  Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), 
	Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
8	2)  Radar (Radio Group), +2 to PER Roll, Telescopic:  +5; OIF Bulky (-1), Sense Affected As More 
	Than One Sense [very common Sense] (-½)
	Personnel Systems
7	1)  Life Support  (Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; 
	Self-Contained Breathing); OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)

1	Basic Compass:  Bump Of Direction; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼)

4	Advanced Flight Controls and Variable Geometry:  +2 with Combat Piloting
5	Basic Navigation Systems:  Navigation (Air) 14-; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier 
	(Real equipment; -¼)

Total Abilities & Equipment Cost:  56
Total Vehicle Cost:  156

Value Disadvantages
	Quirks and Disavantages
10	1)  Physical Limitation:  High Noise Factor Outside Of Aircraft (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15	2)  Psychological Limitation:  Extremely Expensive For Its Time (Common, Strong)
5	3)  Rivalry:  Professional (Other Aircraft Companies; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, 
	or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
	Maximum Speed
	Notes:  Mach 2.2
	Cruising Speed
	Notes:  Mach 1.7
	Service Ceiling
	Notes:  Not Given
	Operational Range
	Notes:  4,000 miles
	Passenger Seating
	Notes:  250

Total Disadvantage Points:  30
Total Cost:  126/5 = 25
Boeing 2707

Character sheet by Robert Kevin Walsh

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