Val	Char	Cost	Notes
6	Size	30	Length 4", Width 2", Area 8", Mass 6.4 ton, KB -6
40	STR	0	HTH Damage 8d6  END [4]
10	DEX	0	OCV 5 DCV 1
16	BODY	0	
2	DEF	0	
1	SPD	-10	Phases:  4, 8, 12
Total Characteristic Cost:  20

Movement:	Ground:		18"/36"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Abilities & Equipment
7	1)  Light Composites:  +1 BODY plus +2 DEF
18	2)  Armor Resistant To Light Cannon Fire:  +13 DEF, Hardened (+¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Ablative BODY 
	Only (-½), Real Armor (-¼)
	Movement Systems
19	1)  Fast Wheeled Movement:  Ground Movement +12" (18" total); OIF Bulky (-1), Fuel Dependent (fuel 
	is Very Common; must refuel Once per 6 Hours; -¾), Only On Appropriate Terrain (-½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Equipment; -¼) plus +2 SPD; OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (Ground Movement; -½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Equipment; -¼) plus +5 DEX; OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (Ground Movement; -½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Equipment; -¼)
5	2)  Self-Inflating Tires:  Healing BODY 2d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase 
	Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; when tire takes its full BODY; +¼); 1 Charge (-2), 
	OAF Bulky (-1 ½), Self Only (-½), [1]
1	3)  Improved Suspension:  +1 with Combat Driving; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real Equipment; -¼)
	Defensive Systems
14	1)  Smoke Grenade Launcher:  Darkness to Sight Group 4" radius; OIF Bulky (-1), 4 Continuing Charges 
	lasting 1 Turn each (-½), Real Weapon (-¼), [4 cc]
11	2)  NBC Protection:  LS  (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in 
	High Radiation; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing); OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier 
	(Real equipment; -¼)
6	3)  BIFU Identify Friend or Foe System:  Detect A Single Thing 14- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory; 
	OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼)
	Personnel Systems
5	1)  Standard Radios:  High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom 
	Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
7	2)  Catherine-QW Multi-Quantum Well Thermal Camera:  Detect A Single Thing 14- (Sight Group), 
	Discriminatory, Rapid:  x10; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼)
2	3)  Nightvision:  IR Perception (Sight Group); OIF Bulky (-1)
2	4)  Nightvision:  UV Perception (Sight Group); OIF Bulky (-1)

1	Laser Rangefinder:  Absolute Range Sense; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
1	Vehicle Clock:  Absolute Time Sense; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real Equipment; -¼)

4	Ballistic Fire Control Computer:  +2 with Ranged Combat; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Real Weapon (-¼)

Total Abilities & Equipment Cost:  103
Total Vehicle Cost:  123

Value Disadvantages
	Vehicle Statistics
	1)  Weight and size in displacement tons
	Notes:  26 Tons, 4 Displacement Tons
	2)  Top Speed in MPH
	Notes:  70
	3)  Range in Miles
	Notes:  750
	4)  Crew
	Notes:  2+9 Troops
	5)  Payload

Total Disadvantage Points:  0
Total Cost:  123/5 = 25

Character sheet by Robert Kevin Walsh

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