Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1] 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6 20 COM 5 13- 10 PD 7 Total: 10 PD (0 rPD) 15 ED 12 Total: 15 ED (0 rED) 5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 10 REC 8 60 END 15 31 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 135 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Leaping: 3"/6" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers & Skills 89 Neon Gas Cloud: RKA 1d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), NND (is Life Support [Self-Contained Breathing]; +1), Does BODY (+1), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1); No Range (-1/2) plus Darkness to Sight Group 3" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Linked (RKA; -1/2), No Range (-1/2) 36 Energy Discharge: EB 6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Limited Range (9"; -1/4) 30 Find Weakness 15- with Energy Discharge 45 Cybernetic Implants: LS (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep) Talents 20 Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense) 15- Skills 6 CK: Liverpool 15- 3 Lockpicking 13- 5 PS: Musician (Guitar) 15- 3 Sleight Of Hand 13- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Streetwise 13- Total Powers & Skill Cost: 243 Total Cost: 378 200+ Disadvantages 20 Hunted: Dr. Destroyer 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 5 Hunted: London Watch 8- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Capture) 0 Hunted: Mystery's Mob 8- (Less Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Scotland Yard 11- (Less Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Capture) 20 Psychological Limitation: Coward (Very Common, Strong) 20 Psychological Limitation: Paranoid (Very Common, Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Prankster (Common, Moderate) 10 Reputation: Member of Argent Anarky, 11- 15 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major) 30 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Energy Blast (Very Common) 38 Experience Points 378 Total Disadvantage Points
Designer's Notes:
1) Neon's STUN figures out at 31 (if you round in his favor), not 30.
2) Neon's RKA gas cloud was extensively rewritten to make it work properly under 5th Edition rules. The Advantage of "Does BODY" was added for starters, as well as the Advantage of "Uncontrolled" (so it would affect people without requiring an attack action or roll from Neon). The previous edit used the Advantage of "Mobile" (seen in Fantasy Hero) so that the cloud would move with Neon and "sweep" over the ground as it goes, but apparently you can't have a Mobile, No Range attack (as per HERO Designer).
3) Neon's Darkness rewritten to make the cloud work as described in the text. As the rules state a Darkness field created on yourself moves when you move, the "Mobile" advantage was not needed (thus explaining why Mobile is not needed for the RKA). Both versions of the gas cloud were given the "No Range" Limitation because, as near as I can tell, the cloud centers on Neon at all times. Also note the added "Linked" Limitation, as the Darkness power can only be used when the full gas cloud is in effect.
4) Neon's Energy Blast can only hit people in the gas cloud. I removed the old "Only Works In Gas Cloud" (-1/2) Limitation and replaced it with "Limited Range" with the 9" range equal to the radius of the cloud in the first place.
5) Removed Neon's Distinctive Features. If Halfjack (VIPER) doesn't get Distinctive Features, then Neon sure doesn't.
6) Configured all Hunteds realistically. There is no way being hunted by Mystery's Mob on an 8- is worth 20 points! (This made Mystery's Mob as powerful a hunted as Dr. Destroyer!)
7) Neon is vulnerable to Energy Blasts. As most super hero characters have an Energy Blast, I upped the frequency to "Very Common." I won't waste time here going into Vulnerability to game mechanics as opposed to special effects....
8) The original version of Neon cost 393 points. He now costs 378, a 15-point savings. The use of the "No Range" and "Linked" Limitations seems to have helped there, as the original version spent 123 points on those two powers alone.
9) Assessment: Why does a greasy-haired, acne-scarred individual have a 20 COM? And if all of your powers are 0 Endurance, why the 60 END? And let's not get into how neon is a colorless gas, and while lethal to breathe (You're not getting any air if you're trying to breathe in a lungful of neon gas!), its not going to be blinding anyone anytime soon. I also question the need for Neon to buy Personal Immunity on his RKA, he already has Full Life Support.
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