Hemelshot's body was on autopilot as he returned to the XSWAT headquarters building. His mind was going over the emergency procedures he'd need, and trying to estimate the initial casualty figures. Omega would be completely gone, while -

He broke off that train of thought as pointless. He didn't need to count bodies—he needed to give orders to the ones to count bodies. The ambulance crews, the firefighters, the surviving law enforcement personnel—those were the ones he needed to find. He grimaced. Luckily, he thought sarcastically, they're probably not all dead. Cadbury put out a call for people to help defend—the cops, AVDF and mercs out for a buck. She didn't call for ambulances and firefighters.

His comm let off a soft ping as Brogan gave him top-level security codes to the XSWAT mainframe. He put the spinner on autopilot and let it finish the drive as he got to work. With his access, he could send mail directly to Hart, and promptly did so. Then went messages to everyone else, as the ball started rolling.

<Begin Message>
Councilman Hart
From: Hemelshot, Richard
Subject: Disaster relief
Sir, despite our differences we have a situation to resolve. The primary threat has been contained but casualties have been high. Angelus requires a united leadership, and I respectfully request a temporary appointment as ERT Coordinator. That position will allow for immediate coordination of our response to the situation. If you choose not to appoint myself, I urge you to appoint someone immediately—time is of utmost importance. Thank you.
<End Message>

<Begin Message>
To: Angelus XSWAT, Angelus Police, DES Personnel, ALL![Hospital, Medical, Trauma], Larkins.Amanda@printit.CSA
From: Hemelshot, Richard
Subject: Prepare to Deploy [FLAG=IMPORTANT]
This is to let you know that, while the major fighting is over, there's a lot of cleanup to do. All law-enforcement and disaster relief personnel should report to their duty stations. All medical personnel should expect significant casualties, with a high percentage of psychological trauma. Those who work in one of the affected sectors should report to the nearest appropriate building for reassignment. Expect official notification within 30 minutes. God bless.
<End Message>

<Begin Message>
ALL![mercenary organizations]
From: Hemelshot, Richard
Subject: Potential Contract [FLAG=IMPORTANT]
It is likely that the city of Angelus will be offering contracts for immediate disaster relief, medical personnel and combat-zone security. The major fighting is over, but there's a lot of clean-up to do and a few Tangos hiding in the wreckage. Just thought you might want a heads-up.
<End Message>

He let out a sigh and prepared for a migraine. Those last two messages would insure his inbox would be flooded, and the autoreply would only answer just so many questions. "Hal? You think you could filter my e-mail? Please?"