1. XSWAT exists to defend Angelus from incursions by Entities. This duty has been expanded to cover dealing with crimes committed by espers, sorcerers, cyborgs, and similar beings or threats that pose unacceptable risks to normal police forces. All other criminal activity is to be handled by the regular police.

    Regular police forces can call in XSWAT for backup at anytime. XSWAT is able to do likewise. In cases where XSWAT is called in by regular police forces, they can assume command immediately—if the situation warrants such measures. In all cases XSWAT's responsibility ends with the elimination or containment of the immediate threat; clean up and such is handled by regular police forces. [The reason for this is simple: each XSWAT Squad numbers about 6 officers. There aren't enough officers to waste time with clean up, traffic control, court duty, and such. Written reports are deemed sufficient. Smart XSWAT officers will try and avoid abusing their powers, irritating regular police forces doesn't help XSWAT's already "elitist" reputation.]

    In general, XSWAT is far more concerned with results than procedures and paperwork. Accomplishing the task at hand should come first – warrants and other legal complications are important, but take second place to protecting citizens or the welfare of the city as a whole.

  2. Officers are on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Off duty officers are expected to have their badges with them at all times. Carrying your sidearm while off-duty is not required, but XSWAT weapon permits allow it.
  3. XSWAT's jurisdiction covers any and all cases involving the following:
    Entities, cases involving human/Entity contact, cyborg criminals, power armor, cases involving the use of sorcery, cases involving esper involvement, and any other threat deemed too powerful for normal police forces (such as any military or terrorist action of sufficient magnitude).
    1. Entities are to be terminated with extreme prejudice. Due to the size and power of such creatures, XSWAT officers are allowed to use any means at their disposal to do so. It is a recognized fact there will be property destruction (sometimes a great deal of it) in any battle with Entities. Such destruction is deemed an "acceptable loss" in the face of the deaths and suffering one of these creatures can cause if allowed to operate unchecked. XSWAT officers should not use these allowances as an excuse to utilize "excessive" actions in the course of resolving a case.
    2. Power armor or combat cyborgs are handled in a similar manner to Entities. Termination or other removal is the most desirable result.
    3. All other cases are to be handled as officers see fit. Human sorcerers and espers are to be arrested if at all possible. If this is not possible, then the officer should opt for the most expedient solution to the problem.
  4. It is forbidden to use magic on a human opponent.

    [This rule has been amended since inception. Magic can be used in any situation where magic is being used against an officer. Preemptive strikes are frowned upon unless the target is a supernatural being or a proven sorcerer. Esper abilities fall under the same restrictions. One can "cross" powers, i.e., an officer with esper abilities can use his or her powers on a known sorcerer, while a magic-using officer could use his or her sorcery to fight a powerful esper. In all cases the use of "defensive" powers is allowed, especially when they are used to protect fellow officers and civilians.]

  5. It is forbidden to use maser weapons on a human opponent.

    [The term human means just that, any physically normal human being. According to this rule clades, power armor, vehicles and the like, are not humans; sorcerers, and espers are. Cyborgs are usually considered human targets. Whether a target is considered valid for maser weaponry is usually left up to the decision of the officer on the scene and is rarely questioned. However, incidents that ARE questioned are investigated quite thoroughly and with great risk to the officer’s career if he or she is found to have acted inappropriately.]

  6. Patrols are to be conducted by teams of two officers. These teams are instructed to call for XSWAT back-up when dealing with any Entity greater than Class 1. Any encounter with an Entity of Class 2 or greater is to be avoided until the entire XSWAT squad can be assembled to deal with it.
  7. Patrols are conducted by two person teams, unless the designated officer has proved his or herself capable of dealing with most entities single-handedly.
    1. All patrols, whether single or two-man, are to report to dispatch at regular, agreed-upon interval. Intervals for single officers should be shorter than those for two-person teams.
  8. Spinners are for official XSWAT use only. No private use is allowed.
  9. All officers are to wear the designated uniforms while on duty.

    [There are two uniforms. One is the better known field uniform with its coat, armored boots, and such. The other is the office uniform, which looks like any standard police officer's uniform. Exceptions to this rule will be judged on a case-by-case basis.]

  10. The existence of Entities is considered a high-priority secret. XSWAT Officers are expected to do everything within reason to maintain the illusion Entities do not exist when dealing with the general public. XSWAT Officers are allowed to reveal the secret of the Entities’ existence if absolutely necessary to save lives (Another judgment call left up to the officer on the scene).
  11. The Omega Sector is a Restricted Zone. It is illegal for anyone to trespass within this area. It is a known haunt of Class 1 and Class 2 Entities, any and all appearances by such creatures are to be dealt with immediately.

  12. XSWAT Chain of Command

    The following chain of command is by rank only. Since the actual composition of XSWAT can change rapidly, the names of individual XSWAT officers have been left out.
    Jamadigni Renuka - XSWAT Director
    Deputy Director (of a specific office)
    Sector Chief (of a specific sector)
    Station House Command (this can be a Major, Captain or Lieutenant)
    Squad Leader (this is usually a Lieutenant or Sergeant) Dispatch Officer (this person is usually stationed at the XSWAT station house full time, taking calls and coordinating the actions of other officers. Generally corporals)
    Patrol Officer (the people who actually go out and fight Entities on a regular basis)

  13. Due to the nature of XSWAT's responsibilities, inner-office tensions need to be resolved in an expedient manner as possible. If problems arise between officers, they should be brought to the attention to the officer's superior immediately.
  14. It is recommended that officers engage in periodic activities designed to further officer "closeness" and understanding.

    [A rough translation - XSWAT officers have a written excuse to go out and get really smashed together. Honest, it's in the regs. Actually, these activities usually range from group dinners, to trips to the beach, to pretty intense drinking parties (complete with talent contests and assorted insanities).]