Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [2] 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5 13 CON 6 12- 10 BODY 0 11- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6 6 COM -2 10- 6 PD 2 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (0 rED) 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12 7 REC 0 30 END 2 30 STUN 3 Total Characteristic Cost: 45 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Leaping: 8"/16" Swimming: 2"/4 Cost Powers & Skills 33 Sling-Fired Elf-Shot: EB 6d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1); OAF (sling; -1), No Knockback (-1/4) 12 Spiked Boots: HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Must Leap To Use Attack (-1/2), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 2 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -1" 4 Powerful Leaper: Leaping +4" (8" forward, 4" upward), END 1 20 Summon/Dispel Rain: Change Environment 16" radius, -1 to Sight Group PER Rolls, -1 to Hearing Group PER Rolls, Multiple Combat Effects, Varying Effect (create/stop rain; +1/4); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), No Range (-1/2), END 4 15 Creature Of Faire: LS (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal) Skills 8 +4 with Sling-Fired Elf-Shot 10 +2 with DCV 3 Shadowing 11- 3 Stealth 12- 3 Tracking 11- 1 WF: Polearms and Spears Total Powers & Skill Cost: 114 Total Cost: 159 75+ Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Small (roughly 3'-4' tall) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 10 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer (Common, Moderate) 10 Reputation: evil fairies that dip their caps in human blood, 8- (Extreme) 59 Experience Points Total Disadvantage Points: 159
Background/History: Red Caps are evil faerie creatures from the Scottish highlands. They are usually depicted as short, stout and wizened-looking, and are often armed with a pike staff or poleax and wear metal boots. Red Caps get their name from the habit of dipping their cloth caps in blood to dye them.
Personality/Motivation: Red Caps are fairly unpleasant faries and will think nothing of killing anyone they meet.
Powers/Tactics: Although Red Caps are very short, they weigh quite a bit. They wear heavy, spiked, metal shoes and will leap feet first at their targets. Red Caps also carry slings, which fire "elf-bolts." They can unleash burst up five or more if given the chance. Finally, there is a scene in issue 9 which indicates a Red Cap can control the weather to some extent..
Appearance: Red Caps in Mage stand about three feet tall, with thin arms and legs, a pot belly, large lower jaws and a long nose. Their hair is white and stringy. When operating in this world, they wear dirty trousers and a long green coat.
(Red Caps created by Matt Wagner, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
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