(Robert Parr)

Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
65	STR	55	22-	Lift 204.8tons; 13d6 HTH Damage
23	DEX	39	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
30	CON	40	15-
15	BOD	10	12-
14	INT	4	12-	PER Roll 12-
14	EGO	8	12-	ECV:  5
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
14	COM	2	12-

20	PD	7		Total:  20 PD (15 rPD)
20	ED	14		Total:  20 ED (15 rED)
5	SPD	17		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
26	REC	14
94	END	17
63	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  242

Movement:	Running:	10"/20"
		Leaping:	25"/50"
		Swimming:	4"/8"

Cost	Powers & Skills
11	+30 STR;, Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Extra Phase, Only To Activate, Delayed 
	Phase, -1/2), Limited Conscious Control (Must Be Under Direct Stress Or Pressure; -1), 6 END
15	Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED)
17	Leaping +12" (25" Forward, 12 1/2" Upward) (Accurate), 2 END

6	Contact:  Edna (E.) Mode (Contact Has Significant Contacts Of His Own, Contact Has Very Useful 
	Skills Or Resources, Very Good Relationship With Contact) 8-
15	Contact:  Government Contact (Contact Has Access To Major Institutions, Contact Has Extremely 
	Useful Skills Or Resources), Organization Contact (x3) 8-
1	Favor

16	+2 With All Combat

3	Acrobatics 14-
3	Analyze:  Combat 12-
3	Bureaucratics 12-
3	Climbing 14-
3	Combat Driving 14-
3	PS:  Insurance Adjustor 12-
3	Stealth 14-
3	Tactics 12-
3	Teamwork 14-

108	Total Powers & Skills Cost
350	Total Character Cost

200	Disadvantages
5	Distinctive Features:  Expresses His Feelings/Revelations Audibly (Easily Concealed; Noticed And 
	Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5	Distinctive Features:  Very Big Guy (Easily Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable; Detectable By 
	Commonly-Used Senses)
10	DNPC:  Family In General (Slight Fudge) 14- (Slightly Less Powerful Than The PC; Useful Noncombat 
	Position Or Skills)
10	Enraged:  Seeing Criminal Negligence (Uncommon), Go 11-, Recover 14-
15	Hunted:  Syndrome, No Doubt Others 11- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
5	Physical Limitation:  Too Big For Some Places/Things (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Cannot Accept Not Using His Powers For Good Or Being Retired (Includes 
	Dislikes Growing Older/Mundane Responsibilities) (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Code Vs Killing (Very Common, Moderate)
25	Psychological Limitation:  Driven To Protect Innocent/Weak (Very Common, Total)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfidence (Common, Moderate)
5	Reputation:  Legal Problems, Triggered Demise Of Herodom, 8-
15	Reputation:  Major Good Guy, Counted On To "Do Good", 14-
5	Social Limitation:  Family (School Obligations, Etc.) (Occasionally, Minor)
10	Social Limitation:  Secret Identity (Occasionally, Major)

350	Total Disadvantage Points
Bob Parr

Background/History: Mr. Incredible is one of the greatest of the great wave of superheroes, widely acclaimed in his time. Unfortunately, he is also the hero best remembered, perhaps, for triggering the avalanche of lawsuits that put supers out of business for a decade and a half. He married Elasti-girl and not-so-willingly went into retirement until recent events brought out the Incredibles.

Personality/Motivation: Mr. Incredible is a bit of a show-off but very sincere in his commitment to help the innocent/victimized. He is an adrenalin junkie as well, and can't settle down easily to the mundane life.

Quote: "Show time!"
"Uh oh!"
"We're superheroes, what can happen?"

Powers/Tactics: Not your average brick, Mr. Incredible is wily in combat, resorting to unpredictable tactics and working well with teammates. While his incredible strength is his primary ability, his tactical sense cannot be under-rated, and he's capable in stealth mode as well as open combat.

Dash | Edna Mode | Elasti-Girl | Frozone | Jack Jack Parr | Mirage | Mr. Incredible | OmniDroid | Syndrome | Violet Parr

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