Background/History: The true origin of the Seven Sisters is unclear. They’re obviously some form of posthuman, but no one’s sure if they’re natural born superhumans or if they’re the product of some experimental process. Their appearance (the Sisters are all virtually identical) lends weight to the idea the Sisters are artificially created beings—either seven women heavily modified through surgery and/or other processes, clones, or true lab-grown humans. Current opinion has the Sister’s being the creation of Teleios, sent out into the world to serve as his agents. Teleios, for his part, has neither confirmed or denied such speculations. For the record, neither have the Sisters.
Since their first appearance 4-5 years ago, the Sisters have acted as a mixture of high-priced mercenaries and industrial espionage agents. They’ve worked for a number of superhuman organizations (usually those of dubious legal and/or moral status) but have also acted in their own interests. They’ve also cut quite a swath through superhuman fandom, what with having their own website loaded with pay-to-view photo sets, blogs, movies, and custom merchandise. Supposedly, some of their more recent costumes have been based on suggestions made on the website’s fan forums.
Personality/Motivation: For the most part, the Sisters act like the stereotypical snooty girl born into incredible wealth who’s never had to work a day in her life. While not possessing vast personal wealth, the Sisters can drawn upon sufficient funds to travel and live as they please (the Well-Off Perk represents what each Sister has, not the group as a whole.) Thus, they tend to look down upon the “unwashed masses” as not being worth of their time and only like to socialize with people like them—which in this case means those with money, not those with superhuman powers. The Sisters tend to be rude and condescending to those they think are beneath them, but are friendly and polite to their presumed social equals. The only time this facade drops is when the Sisters think someone has something they want or need. At that point they’ll be as sweet and nice as needed to twist the individual, no matter his status, around their fingers.
Quote: “You... ugh... love me? Yes, well so do a million other men, most of who hopefully smell (and look) better than you do. Now get away before I’m forced to make you... not that I look forward to touching you.”
Powers/Tactics: The Sister’s are uniformly stronger, faster, and tougher than any normal human. They run faster, leap farther, and swim better than even Olympic-level athletes and one-on-one can fight many superhumans on equal terms. However, their greatest asset is when they act as a group. As they’re in constant low-level telepathic contact with one another, the Sisters show a marked increase in combat effectiveness when all seven are in close proximity during a fight. They’re also well-trained in working together, and normally double- and triple- team foes. Individual Sisters will stagger attacks, with (for example) one Sister attempting a Disarm, the next a Throw, and the last a Kick. Versus tougher foes, all three may coordinate simultaneous strikes, versus faster ones they’ll try to Throw, and so on.
While tenacious in pursuit of an objective, the Sisters’ aren’t fools and will abandon a fight that is going against them and/or won’t even start one in the first place if it looks like they’re obviously outmatched. The Sisters also like to win without fighting, using guile, seduction, and promises to get what they want. Sometimes, then even follow through on such deals.
Appearance: For all intents and purposes physically identical, the Sisters each stand 6’0” even and weigh a lushly-proportioned 160 pounds. Their eyes are an unmistakable bright burgundy and the only real way to tell them apart is by hair color, which ranges from silvery-white to gunmetal gray. Possessing highly idealized and stylized physiques, the Sisters’ are known for their long legs, wide hips, narrow waists, and well-endowed torsos. They change costumes constantly but seem to avoid the stereotypical skin-tight body-stocking so common to the superhero set, instead preferring more baroque outfits that often incorporate certain fashion fetish elements (see the accompany illustration for an example of what is meant by this.)
For the record, the Sisters’ hair colors are as follows:
- Afanasiia: light, almost lime, green.
- Agafya: Gunmetal gray shading to black.
- Anastassia: Bright golden blonde.
- Serafina: Silvery-white.
- Valeriya: Gunmetal gray shading to dark silver.
- Viktoriya: Aburn with reddish-gold highlights.
- Zarya: Bright golden blonde.
Designer's Notes: Sometimes it seems to take me forever to fully realize a character concept. Then comes the Seven Sisters, who took maybe an hour to crystalize. Initially I had no idea where the characters in the image came from (I presumed it was some sort of hentai game), but eventually discovered they’re from the anime/game/light novel/manga series Umineko no Naku Koro ni, where they’re known as the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. I any event, the fact they all looked like made me think they were clones. This led to looking at the 6E Teleios and once I saw his clone army, I was all set. I based the Sisters on the stats of a Teleios Cloned Soldier, upping them to a happy medium between the soldier and Teleios himself. The Skills were taken from the Cloned Soldier, while the rest pretty much wrote itself.
For the record, even at 450 points, the Sisters have a lot of room for expansion. For example, their names were all picked due to their meaning, allowing you to give each sister additional powers based on said name. For example:
- Afanasiia: Her name means “immortal,” thus, she could have Life Support versus aging.
- Agafya: Her name means “beauty” or “splendor.” She could have +4 Striking Appearance, as well as additional Interaction Skills and Skill Levels.
- Anastassia: Her name means “resurrection.” She could have Regeneration.
- Serafina: Her name means “burning one.” She may have some form of pyrokinesis, such as having her hands burst into flame.
- Valeriya: Her name means “to be strong and/or healthy.” She could have a 30 STR and 30 CON.
- Viktoriya: Her name means “conqueror and/or victory.” She could have +4 with All Attacks, additional Martial Arts, and/or levels with Tactics, Teamwork, and so on.
- Zarya: Her name means “morning star and/or sunrise.” She could have some form of light-based power.

(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)