Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
14	DEX	12	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
13	CON	6	12-
12	BODY	4	11-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
14	COM	2	12-

4	PD	1		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	1		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	6		Phases:  4, 8, 12
6	REC	0
26	END	0
30	STUN	3		Total Characteristic Cost:  52

Movement:		Running:	8"/16"
		Leaping:	3"/6"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
20	Phasing:  Elemental Control, 50-point powers; all slots Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)
17	1)  Phasing:  Desolidification , Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4); Concentration, 
	Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), END 4
14	2)  Semi-Solid Fist:  Energy Blast 4d6, No Normal Defense (Desolidification; +1), 
	Does BODY (+1); No Range (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill Roll (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4), 
	Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), END 6

40	Naked Modifier: Affects Physical World (+2) for up to 25 Active Points; Extra Time 
	(Delayed Phase, -1/4), END 5
7	School Of Hard Knocks:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), END 1

3	Contact:  Mr Linderman (Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 8-

5	+1 with HTH Combat
2	+1 with Punch
6	+2 with Stealth, Concealment & Shadowing

0	Acting 8-
0	AK: Nevada 8-
2	CK: Las Vegas 11-
3	Climbing 12-
3	Combat Driving 12-
3	Concealment 12-
0	Conversation 8-
0	Deduction 8-
2	KS: Las Vegas Criminal Underworld 11-
0	Language:  English (idiomatic)
0	Paramedics 8-
0	Persuasion 8-
9	Power:  Phasing Tricks 15-
2	PS: Construction 11-
0	PS: Gang Leader 11-
3	Shadowing 12-
3	Stealth 12-
0	TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
4	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  148
Total Cost:  200

75+	Disadvantages
10	Dependent NPC:  Micah Sanders, son 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC)
5	Dependent NPC:  Niki Sanders, wife 11- (As powerful as the PC)
15	Dependent NPC:  Paulette Hawkins, mother 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring 
	career/Secret ID)
5	Distinctive Features:  "Special" (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only 
	By Unusual Senses)
5	Distinctive Features:  Shaved Head (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; 
	Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Hunted:  Mr. Linderman 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
5	Hunted:  Las Vegas Police Dept- always a suspect 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Watching)
5	Money:  Poor
15	Psychological Limitation:  Protective of his Family (Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Wants to shed his criminal past (Uncommon, Strong)
5	Reputation:  ex-criminal/gang leader, 11- (Known Only To Las Vegas Police)
10	Social Limitation:  Criminal Record (Frequently, Minor)
10	Social Limitation:  Secret- has Powers (Frequently, Minor)
5	Social Limitation:  Minority w/ minimal skills (Occasionally, Minor)
10	Unluck: 2d6
225	Total Disadvantage Points

Claire Bennett | DL Hawkins | Isaac Mendez | Matt Parkman | Nathan Petrelli | The Haitian

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