Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
25	STR	15	14-	Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage [2]
23	DEX	39	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
23	CON	26	14-
12	BODY	4	11-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
17	EGO	14	12-	ECV:  6
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
10	COM	0	11-

18/21	PD	10		Total:  18/21 PD (3/6 rPD)
11/14	ED	3		Total:  11/14 ED (3/6 rED)
5	SPD	17		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
10	REC	0
50	END	2
35	STUN	-2		Total Characteristic Cost:  136

Movement:	Running:	8"/16"
		Leaping:	5"/10"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers
	Rage Meter
20	1)  Rage Filler:  Absorption 2d6  (Energy, Energy/Physical), Varying Effect (+1)
3	2)  Rage Meter:  Endurance Reserve  (50 END, 0 REC) Reserve; Begins Combat at Zero (-1/2); REC, 
	Filled by Rage Filler (+0); Personal REC (-1/2)

	Martial Arts:  Boxing
	Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
4	Block		+2	+2	Block, Abort
3	Clinch		-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 55 STR for holding on
3	Grappling Throw	+0	+2	11d6 Strike; Target Falls; Must Follow Grab
5	Haymaker	+1	-2	13d6 Strike
5	Hook		-2	+1	13d6 Strike
5	Jab		+1	+3	9d6 Strike
4	Lightning Strike
			+2	+0	11d6 Strike
4	Low Blow	-1	+1	4d6 NND
16	+4 HTH Damage Classes (already added in)
15	Psychic Powers:  Elemental Control, 30-point powers
10	1)  Empathy:  Telepathy 6d6; Empathy All Emotions (-1/2), END 3
19	2)  Psi Stalking:  Mind Scan 6d6, +2 ECV	3
62	Special Maneuvers:  Multipower, 62-point reserve
5u	1)  Blast Upper:  EB 5d6, Area Effect: Line (+1), END 5
	Notes:  A wave of psychic energy.
3u	2)  D. Crazy:  HA +6d6, Penetrating (+1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), END 4
	Notes:  A lightning fast series of punishing blows.
5u	3)  R.S.D.:  HKA 2d6-1 (2d6+1 w/STR), Increased STUN Multiplier (+1), END 5
	Notes:  A jaw-breaking rushing hook.
4u	4)  Soul Smasher:  Ego Attack 5d6, Does Knockback (+1/4); No Range (-1/2), END 6
	Notes:  A psychic "punch" that inflicts damage but doesn't actually land.
	Athletic Abilities
10	1)  Cross Masher:  Find Weakness 11- with Single Attack (Cross)
4	2)  Leather Jacket:  Armor (3 PD/3 ED); Activation (-3/4), OIF (-1/2)
4	3)  Road worker:  Running +2" (8" total), END 1
	Psychic Abilities
7	1)  Psychic Defenses:  Mental Defense (10 points total)
15	2)  Psi Com:  Mind Link , Human class of minds, Any Willing Target

3	Fringe Benefit:  Membership: Shin Balrog's Gang
5	Money:  Well Off

6	Floats Like A Butterfly:  Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
40	Something Doesn't Seem Right:  Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Analyze, Discriminatory, 
	Function as a Sense, Targeting Sense) 14-

5	+1 with HTH Combat
12	+4 with Boxing
2	CK: Chicago 11-
1	Forgery (Documents) 8-
2	Gambling (Sports Betting) 11-
1	High Society 8-
3	Interrogation 13-
2	KS: Boxing 11-
2	KS: Criminal Organizations 11-
2	KS: Sports Gambling 11-
2	KS: Streetgangs 11-
3	Lockpicking 14-
1	Oratory 8-
2	PS: Enforcer 11-
1	PS: Prize Fighter 8-
3	Paramedic 11-
3	Shadowing 11-
3	Streetwise 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  339
Total Cost:  475

200+	Disadvantages
10	Distinctive Features:  Style Limitation: Boxing (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; 
	Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
10	Distinctive Features: Huge Man With Green Mohawk:  Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable 
	By Commonly-Used Senses
5	Hunted:  Fighters of Note 11- (As Pow, Watching)
10	Hunted:  Lucky Glauber 11- (As Pow, Mildly Punish)
15	Hunted:  Police 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
10	Hunted:  Psycho Soldiers Team 8- (Mo Pow, Mildly Punish)
15	Hunted:  Shin Balrog 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Greedy Common, Strong
10	Psychological Limitation:  Image conscious Common, Moderate
20	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfidence Very Common, Strong
5	Reputation:  Powerful Fighter, 8-
10	Reputation: Criminal Enforcer, Frequently (11-)
10	Reputation: Fallen Sports Hero, Frequently (11-)
5	Rivalry: Birdie:  Professional (Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate 
	Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
125	Experience Points

Total Disadvantage Points:  475
Heavy D!

Background/History: Heavy D! was crushed to be left off the King of Fighters 95 and subsequent battles. Feeling that he and his sportsmen allies had been given the shaft, he went back to the streets where his fighting ability made him a pack leader.

He was approached by an old man who claimed that he had potential to be more than a cheap thug. Enticed by the promises of power, Heavy D! Followed the old man. He began to explore the powers of his own mind. Three months later he approached Shin Balrog, a rival from the old ring days about joining his gang. He's been a member ever since.

Personality/Motivation: Heavy D! is a little crazy (he legally changed his name to Heavy D!, come on.), he enjoys fighting and power. His blossoming psychic abilities have made him more dangerous than your average boxing thug and this has given him a place of respect and power within the organization. His abilities told him that there is something different about Balrog and he has a far better idea as to what it is then the others. He is biding his time until he believes his abilities will allow him to eliminate Balrog and take the gang over for himself.

Quote: "Hit the matt and count to ten, take it easy on yourself, Punk!"

Powers/Tactics: To back up his physical might and boxing skills, Heavy D! has burgeoning psychic powers. Right now he can read emotions and track individuals by their minds. He can communicate telepathically with one other person at a time.

Campaign Use: A thug with something special.

Group Relations:

Appearance: Heavy D! is a huge man with bulging muscles, dark skin, a goatee and a green mohawk. He always wears dark sunglasses these days since his eyes are pure white. He dresses in a long black leather jacket with black slacks underneath and a charcoal grey tee shirt. His fists are taped.

Balrog's "Boxers" | Birdie | Brian Battler | Cultists | Heavy D! | Shin Balrog | Thugs

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