Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
16	DEX	18	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  7(9)
15	CON	10	12-
10	BODY	0	11-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll:  11-
18	EGO	16	13-	ECV:  6
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3½d6
14	COM	2	12-

5	PD	3		Total:  8-PD (3 rPD)
5	ED	2		Total:  8-ED (3 rED)
4	SPD	14		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
30	END
25	STUN	2		Total Characteristic Cost:  75

Movement:	Running:	4”/8”
		Leaping:	2”/4”
		Swimming:	6”/12”

Cost    Powers & Skills
22	Martial Art:  Hawaiian Punching
	Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
	Akibraki	+0	+2	6d6 Hook
	Hokipoki	+1	+3	4d6 Jab
	Rippanuan	-2	+1	8d6 Uppercut
	+2 Damage Classes (added in)

3	Been There, Done That:  PRE +7 (25 Total); Defense Only (-1)
10	Agile:  +2 DCV
4	Loud Shirt:  +2 DCV; OAF (-1), Negated by Attacker’s EGO Roll, Colorblindness, or Non-Sight 
	Targeting Sense (-½)
1	Surfboard:  Swimming +4”; OAF (-1), Only on Waves (-1), END 1
-4	Fast Fists:  Running -2” (4” Total), END 1

6	Combat Luck

12	+4 with Martial Arts

3	Acrobatics 12-
2	AK: Hawaii 11-
3	Breakfall 12-
3	Conversation 13-
3	KS: Martial Arts 11-
1	Language: Surfer Dude Slang (Basic)
3	Persuasion 13-
3	TF: Surfing 12-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  75
Total Cost:  150

100+   Disadvantages
10	Distinctive Feature:  Martial Arts Style
15	Psychological Limitation:  Announces His Intentions (Very Common, Moderate)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Spacey Surfer Dude (Very Common, Moderate)
5	Rivalry:  Other Martial Artists
5	Social Limitation:  Horrible Taste in Clothing

Total Disadvantage Points:  150

Background/Personality: Hawaii’s own Okidoki, the eldest son of Chief Onomatopoeia, studied fighting under the legendary master Tiki Tiki Snikapiki. He followed a strict regimen of self-discipline and austere living, attending only three luaus a week. He trained until he could split pineapples with his bare hands, and coconuts with his forehead.

Upon winning the state championship, he received the official title of Hawaiian Punch, sometimes called by sportscasters “The Wowee from Maui,” “The Poi Boy,” and “The Diamondhead Dynamite.”

When a fruit juice company wanted a representative for its new drink, they chose Okidoki and a star was born. He’s been pitching fruit juice ever since.

Quote: “Hey! How’d you like a nice Hawaiian Punch?”

Tactics/Powers: Hawaiian Punch is a martial artist supreme. His style, however, focuses almost entirely on strikes of increasing intensity, with no dodges, blocks, or throws.

Besides being a master of the martial arts, Hawaiian Punch is also a master of the surfing arts. He’s a championship surfer, and three time winner of the longenhunga cowabunga contest.

Roleplaying Notes: Jim Carrey meets Jackie Chan.

7-Up Spot | California Raisin | Cap’n Crunch | Count Chocula | Hawaiian Punch | Jolly Green Giant | Keebler Elf | Lucky the Leprechaun | M&M | Mr. Peanut | Mrs. Butterworth’s | Pillsbury Doughboy | Quisp | Sonny the Cuckoo Bird | Sugar Bear | Tony the Tiger | Toucan Sam | Trix Rabbit

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