Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1] 13 DEX 9 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 10 CON 0 12- 10 BODY 0 11- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12- 15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD) 3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 5 REC 20 END 20 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 40 Movement: Running: 6”/12” Leaping: 2”/4” Swimming: 2”/4” Cost Powers & Skills 8 Wealth: Endurance Reserve (40 END, 4 REC) 22 Community Chest Cards: Multipower (45-point Powers); OAF (-1) 2u 1) Get Out of Jail Free: +45 STR; Only to Escape Grabs/Entangles (-1), OAF (-1), END 4 2u 2) Go to Jail, Go Directly to Jail: Entangle (6 DEF/3 BODY); OAF (-1), END 4 1u 3) Hospital Visit: Heal BODY and STUN 3d6, Varying Effect (Two Stats, +½); OAF (-1), Costs END (-½), END 4 2u 4) Pass Go: Heal Endurance Reserve 4d6; OAF (-1) 30 Properties: Multipower (45-point Powers); OIF (-½) 2u 1) House: Force Wall (5 PD/5 ED), +3” Width, Personal Immunity (+¼); Fixed Shape (1” by 2” Rectangle, -½), OIF (-½), END 4 2u 2) Hotel: Boost “House” Force Wall 8d6 (Set Effect +3 PD/+3 ED; -0); OIF (-½), END 4 3u 3) Foreclose on Mortgage (Repossess Items): Dispel 10d6, Any One Focus (+½); OIF (-½), END 4 2u 4) Railroad Tycoon: Running +20” (26” Total); OIF (-½), Cannot Move Through/By (-½), Full Phase (-½), END 4 3u 5) Utility Magnate (Shut Off Lights and Water): Images to Normal Sight 2” Radius, -4 to PER Rolls; OIF (-½) plus EB 1d6, Area Of Effect (1 Hex Doubled, +¾), Continuous (+1), NND (Life Support: Diminished Drinking); OIF (-½), END 4 Talents 1 Lightning Calculator; Only for Financial Matters (-1) Perks 15 Wealth: Filthy Rich Skills 2 Bribery 13-; Costs END (-½) 2 Bureaucratics 13-; Costs END (-½) 1 Gambling (Board Games) 8- 3 High Society 13- 2 PS: Banker 11- 2 Seduction 13-; Costs END (-½) 3 Trading 13- Total Powers & Skill Cost: 110 Total Cost: 150 100+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: The IRS 11- (As Pow, NCI, Watching) 10 Psychological Limitation: Cynical, Sees People as Tools to Buy (Common, Moderate) 15 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Very Common, Moderate) 15 Reputation: Filthy Rich, 14- Total Disadvantage Points: 150
Background/Personality: Mr. Moneybags is often seen as simply a cruel, heartless bastard, but that’s not entirely true. In fact, he’s an incredibly rich cruel, heartless bastard, which makes a big difference. His lawyer hires out Johnny Cochran as a legal secretary. His personal computer is Microsoft. That’s not his operating system – he uses the entire Microsoft corporation when he needs some computing done.
Quote: “Every man has his price. Now, gimme that weapon.”
Tactics/Powers: Mr. Moneybags controls a vast financial empire, and has extensive resources at his disposal. His powers operate from a “wealth reserve,” which is the cash that he has on hand. He can always replenish these monies by Passing Go, and collecting his rental property income.
With his ample riches, he can order the construction of a new home to keep himself safe or to trap another. His houses do cost money (Endurance) to keep in place once built, so he must pay an “upkeep” fee of 4 END per Phase.
In order to use his Community Chest cards, he must have his identification, proving that he is indeed Mr. Moneybags. To use his Properties powers, he must have the appropriate document for each power (deeds, foreclosure notices, etc.).
Roleplaying Notes: Jack Benny meets Regis Philbin.
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